Happiness is a direction

This post is from a guest poster Marco B.  Enjoy!


Restaurant: Golden Palace – Battlefield Rd and 65 – (417) 887-6005

Taste: 2 ½ Stars

The General Chicken from Golden Palace tasted ok.

The chicken was hot, cooked well, and didn’t seem too dry. There was the right amount of salt. However it wasn’t as sweet as I would have liked it. I feel like general chicken should have a sweet and salty taste. The spiciness was not existent. A good general chicken should have some kick and there just wasn’t any. The consistency of the sauce was right on. It wasn’t too soupy and it wasn’t too thick.

Price: 2 Stars

The General Chicken from Golden Palace was $6.45. With that price you get a side of rice. I had plenty of rice but the amount of chicken was lacking given the price.

Experience: 2 ½ Stars

My general food experience was average. The wait time was ok and the food was ok. The staff was courteous, the order taker was understandable, and I got what I ordered.

Fortune: Happiness is a direction, not a destination

Luck Numbers: 4 5 19 30 32 40

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